3.Save Me
睡夢中睜開眼 不知不覺已經過了12點
全身動彈不得 無法起身 原來被動上了身
時間經過身邊 他不留情 因為看我沒反應
什麼時候才領悟才清醒 對他的珍惜
Forgive me that I wake up too late
Forgive me, hey wait
oh save me
tell me what should I do
睡夢中沒有他 一切彷彿 都只是漫長的假想
回到現實存在的分分秒秒 跳動我的恐與慌
閉上眼睛我已看不到 耳多卻傳來警告
包圍我的細胞 我逃不了 於是我瘋掉
Forgive me that I wake up too late
Forgive me, hey wait
oh rescue me...
tell me what I'm gonna do
oh save me I didn't mean it
oh save me oh please...
oh rescue me...
tell me what should I do
I don't know why I don't know how I just wanna cry
look at me talk to me rescue me please
Why don't you stop follow me